BM Labosis'e Hoşgeldiniz


GeneMATRIX BACTERIAL & YEAST GENOMIC DNA Purification Kit (Kit for purification of DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast)


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GeneMATRIX BACTERIAL & YEAST GENOMIC DNA Purification Kit (Kit for purification of DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast)
5 preps 0 EUR
+%20 KDV
0,00 TL
GeneMATRIX BACTERIAL & YEAST GENOMIC DNA Purification Kit (Kit for purification of DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast)
50 preps 128 EUR
+%20 KDV
6.297,60 TL
GeneMATRIX BACTERIAL & YEAST GENOMIC DNA Purification Kit (Kit for purification of DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast)
150 preps 360 EUR
+%20 KDV
17.712,00 TL

GeneMATRIX Bacterial & Yeast Genomic DNA Purification Kit is designed for rapid purification of genomic DNA from a wide variety of bacterial physiological groups and from a wide variety of yeast strains. Purified DNA is free of contaminants, such as: RNA, proteins, lipids, dyes, detergents, organic inhibitors of enzymatic reactions, buffers, salts, divalent cations, among others. Sample is lysed in the presence of special cell wall desintegrating buffer aided by lysozyme or in case of yeast by lyticase. Further, Proteinase K digests cellular proteins, including stripping-off DNA of all bound proteins, among them nucleases. Optimized buffer is added to provide selective conditions for DNA binding during brief centrifugation, while contaminants pass through the GeneMATRIX membrane in the spin-column. Traces of contaminants remaining on the membrane are efficiently removed in two wash steps. High-quality cellular DNA is then eluted in low salt buffer, e.g.: Tris-HCl, TE or water. Isolated DNA is ready for downstream applications without the need for ethanol precipitation.

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