Ovation® Human Blood RNA-Seq Library Systems
Formerly Encore Whole Blood RNA-Seq Library Systems
The Ovation Human Blood RNA-Seq Library Systems provide an end-to-end solution for strand-specific RNA-Seq library construction using as little as 100 ng of total RNA obtained from adult human whole blood. The integrated workflow from input of total RNA to fully constructed library is highly reproducible, and can be completed in approximately 7 hours. Insert Dependent Adaptor Cleavage (InDA-C) technology provides targeted depletion of unwanted high abundance transcripts and results in a significant reduction in sequencing reads derived from human rRNA (12S, 16S, 18S and 28S genes) and adult human reticulocyte globin (HBA1, HBA2, HBB and HBD genes) for more efficient use of sequencing resources.
The Ovation Human Blood RNA-Seq Multiplex System 1-8 (Part No. 0337-32) and Ovation Human Blood RNA-Seq Multiplex System 9-16 (Part No. 0338-32) each provide eight unique barcoded adaptors to enable multiplex sequencing to further optimize efficiencies and cost savings in transcriptome sequencing. These two kits may be used together for multiplexing up to 16 samples per lane on Illumina NGS platforms.
The Ovation Human Blood RNA-Seq Library Systems have been designed for strand-specific expression analysis by incorporation of a nucleotide analogue during the second strand cDNA synthesis, and subsequent ligation, to a pair of double-stranded library adaptors also containing the same analogue in one strand. After ligation, the cDNA strand and adaptor containing the analogue are selectively removed (Strand Selection), leaving only one cDNA strand with both adaptor sequences attached. This product is then converted into a sequence-ready library by PCR amplification (see Figure 1).
Figure 1:

Figure 2: Effect of InDA-C Treatment on Four Independent Samples