Storage Conditions: Store at room temperature for more than 12 months.
For long-term, store at 4°C (stable for more than 24 months).
Contents: SimplySafe™ (20,000 x) – 1 ml.
SimplySafe™ is a new and safe nucleic acid stain, an alternative to the traditional ethidium bromide (EtBr) stain for detecting nucleic acid in agarose gels. It emits green fluorescence when bound to DNA or RNA. SimplySafe™ is excitated by wavelengths emmited by traditional transiluminators. In addition, it has one visible excitation at 515 nm.
SimplySafe™ is as sensitive as EtBr. The staining protocol for SimplySafe™ is similar to that for EtBr. Compared to EtBr, known as a strong mutagen, SimplySafe™ causes much fewer mutations in the Ames test. In addition, SimplySafe™ has a negative result in mouse marrow chromophilous erythrocyte micronucleus test and mouses primary spermatocyte chromosomal aberration test.
Bu ürün BM Laboratuvar sistemleri tarafından ithal edilmektedir.