WT-Ovation™ Exon Module
The WT-Ovation™ Exon Module enables global gene expression analysis of small and degraded RNA samples such as FFPE, LCM, fine needle aspirates, sorted cells and blood on Affymetrix GeneChip®Exon and Gene ST arrays.
Using cDNA generated by NuGEN’s WT-Ovation™ FFPE System (Cat. #3400), or WT-Ovation™ Pico System (Cat. #3300), in about two hours the Exon Module creates sense-strand cDNA targets ready for fragmentation and labeling with NuGEN’s Encore™ Biotin Module.
The WT-Ovation™ Exon Module provides optimized reagent mixes and a protocol to process 12 or 60 cDNA samples (Cat.# 2000-12, 2000-60).
Array Reproducibility: GeneChip® Gene 1.0 ST arrays were hybridized with fragmented and biotin-labled ST-cDNA generated by six users in six different laboratories. A very high degree of array signal Pearson correlation (r > 0.991) was observed for all pairwise comparisons demonstrating a high degree of reproducibility and robustness of the NuGEN Exon solution. Gene ST array signal values were normalized using RMA and Pearson correlation was plotted using the Expression Console analysis package.